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John The People's Commentary - Prophet or Messiah?
John The People's Commentary - Prophet or Messiah?
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
Prophet or Messiah? As the story unfolds, Jesus has gently led the woman to a greater understanding of who he is, from her initial ignorance (4:9) to calling him ‘sir’ (4:11, 15); as he confronted her with the facts of her life, she began to wonder if he might be greater than Jac
Eggs and Ashes PPT - Easter Day Liturgy
Eggs and Ashes PPT - Easter Day Liturgy
by R Burgess/C Polhill/ A Lindley (Wild Goose Publ)
God Has Made Laughter for us - Easter Day Liturgy written by Chris Coleman (Taken from Eggs and Ashes book by Ruth Burgess and Chris Polhill 2004, published by Wild Goose publication. Illustrations by Rev Andy Lindley. A liturgy reflecting on Jesus rising from the dead - and th
Isaiah for everyone - High and Holy, but Present with the Crushed and Low in Spirit
Isaiah for everyone - High and Holy, but Present with the Crushed and Low in Spirit
by SPCK - John Goldingay
High and Holy, but Present with the Crushed and Low in Spirit In a recent sermon in our seminary I told students that Jesus isn’t their buddy. I’m told the air went out of the room when I said it. A friend subsequently gave me a “Buddy Christ” statuette, which I could put on my d
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 36 Resurrection, Victory
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 36 Resurrection, Victory
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Resurrection Victory The text of Paul’s final homily, “Resurrection: Victory,” is displayed in figure 5.5(1). N. T.Wright appropriately refers to this final paragraph as having “the sustained excitement of a celebration.”1 It can also be called “A Hymn of Victory.” Having opened
On This, Our Festal Day (Loch Heron)
On This, Our Festal Day (Loch Heron)
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
This hymn celebrates the local church, its buildings, its people and those who have gone before. It asks that, as people continue to worship there, the risen Christ will be present. It could be used at Dedication (Consecration) of Buildings, Church Anniversaries and Patronal Fest
Psalm 88 (and 77) - Depression ?